Friday, November 22, 2019

Turkey Bingo

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already upon us. Didn't the school year just start?

Well, here it is, time for the Annual Turkey Bingo, and this year did not disappoint. It is always to gratifying to see so many families coming out to this event year after year, and although the faces have changed, the popularity of this event has never diminished. thank you to all the PTSA members who volunteer their time to make this event a smashing success...and thank you to the teachers who show up to support it, we realize the past few weeks have been very hectic for you with goals and report card and conferences; but it means so much to the students to see their teachers at these kinds of events.

Checking out the prizes.

Ready to sell their wares.

6th grade selling snacks for their end of the year events.

Parents supporting their kids.

Show me the money!

4th Grade selling pizza for
Nature's Classroom.

The Raffle Ticket line.

Tough decisions need to be made.

Bingo Winners!


Now this is a great advertisement for pizza!

After this, Mr. Veteri was off to his daughter's
 basketball game.

Her mom wanted me to send her this shot.

Session 1 is over!

Mr. Stillway and one of his beautiful daughters.

The attendees for Session 2 are coming!

I hope all  your Bingo dream came true!

Turkey Bingo

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already upon us. Didn't the school year just start? Well, here it is, time for the Annu...